
Former owner Wayne Watkins established the camp facilities in 2001 as “Expeditions North Inc.” The camp served primarily as a fall caribou hunting camp when the George River herd migration brought large numbers of animals into the Andre Lake area.

Our Waters
Located to the north northwest of the Smallwood Reservoir, our waters serve as one migratory route for fish moving between the Smallwood Reservoir and past McKenzie River Lodge to spawn in our rivers. Fish also move out of lakes in our territory to fill in the rivers. We offer access to three rivers – the McKenzie, Quartzite, and Comeback (each unique in size, water speed, and bottom) and four lakes – Andre, Quartzite, Montgomery, and Comeback.
The water system drains from our northwest from Marion River, entering Comeback Lake, Comeback River, Montgomery Lake, and Andre Lake. Quartzite River drains into Andre lake halfway down its western shore. The watershed exits Andre Lake past McKenzie River Lodge into the McKenzie River, which begins several hundred yards behind the camp.
Each river section has its variety of water and bottom conditions, so there’s a wide range of water suited to dry fly fishing, casting wet flies or streamers, some trolling short still water sections, and nymphing. A walking trail system utilizes old caribou trails meandering alongside the rivers. We have boats positioned to access remote waters.
There is ample casting room for most sections of our rivers, whether you prefer to fish along the rocky shorelines or wade the rivers width in some areas.
The rivers range between 30 to 200 feet wide. Riffles run from one to three feet deep, holes varying from four to seven feet. Pools are 5 to 60 feet across. Virtually every client will attest to the quality of this river in terms of how clear and varied the water flow is. This water system faces little fishing pressure, and there’s enough excellent fishable water to offer a surprise at any moment. The Spring season finds the lake’s surface waters hovering between 44 – 55°F., and throughout July and August will vary between 52 – 66°F. The river water fluctuates in temperature daily, ranging between 54 – 64°F. Weather conditions can quickly impact water temperature and fish behaviour. Our brook trout are most active at 55 – 60°F.
Ouananiche prefers colder water temperatures and faster currents. Early and later in the season, provide the best fishing.